INPUD-A/B (Inductive Power and Data Transmission for Analog and Digital Sensors) is a modular system for contactless transmission of electrical energy for supplying 2 analog and 2 digital sensors (inductive, capacitive, optical) on rotating shafts, axles or pallets. The respective measured values and switching states of the sensors are transmitted over the air gap back to the stationary part. INPUD-A/B operates independently of rotational speed, transmission is carried out reliably even under the harshest ambient conditions (dust, water, oil, etc.).

  • easy installation
  • no maintenance required
  • IP67 housing protection
  • output short circuit protected
  • LED status indication
  • Machine tools industry
  • Rotating indexing tables
  • Printing machines
  • Filling equipments
  • Safety monitoring
INPUD-A/B 100 transmission system for analog and binary sensors
2 each analog and binary input channels
no maintenance required, for 24/7 permanent operation
compatible to electrical and mechanical sensors
input / output reverse polarity protected
high data integrity, digital transmission
LED status indication and status pin out
12 bit signal resolution
IP67 housing protection
  INPUD-A/B 100 data sheet

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