
MESA Systemtechnik GmbH
Turmstr. 8
78467 Konstanz – Germany
Telefon:  ++49 (0)7531-9371 0
Fax:        ++49 (0)7531-9371 71

Manager/CEO:              Bernhard Burkard
Registration court:        Amtsgericht Freiburg/HRB 380 847
VAT No.:                         DE 142 315 112

Copyright note
The contents on this page and the other pages as well as the design of the pages are subject to the copyright of MESA Systemtechnik GmbH. Distribution is only permitted if a written consent of the company has been obtained. This applies also to integration into electronic databases and reproduction on CD-ROM or other data carrier.

Any liability for the contents and programs published on this website and for any damage caused by incorrect information or by faulty programs is hereby excluded, unless such damage has been caused intentionally or with gross negligence by MESA Systemtechnik GmbH or its staff.

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In its judgment issued on 12 May 1998, the Landgericht (Regional Court) Hamburg decided that a web site owner might also be held liable for the contents of the linked pages he included on his web site.  According to the Regional Court  Hamburg, such liability can be avoided only by expressly dissociating oneself from said contents.
We have included links to other sites in our Internet pages. The following statement applies to all these links:  MESA Systemtechnik GmbH explicitly states that it has no influence whatsoever on the design and the contents of the linked pages. Therefore, MESA Systemtechnik GmbH hereby explicitly dissociates itself from all contents of all linked pages on this homepage and does not adopt these contents as its own. This statement applies to all links shown in this domain and to all contents of the pages to which you are guided by these links.


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