SPS coupler


Using inductive transmission devices, sensors and actuators on moveable appliances could be easily supplied with electrical energy without any huge effort. Based on an electromagnetic energy-field, which is transmitted from a primary coil to a secondary coil, a reliable electric power supply can be assured. This dedicated near field transmission offers great advantages also considering harsh industrial environments conditions. Thus, the power transmission will not be deranged, even not by water, dirt, dust or coolant. The Air gap Power Coupling Unit SPS-PCU allows save transmission in an easy way, particular previous knowledge is not required.
Having no parts to wear out or service the system needs no maintenance work. Due to operating in a low frequency range electrical and magnetic emissions (EMI) are not expected.

  • replaces tactile connectors
  • no maintenance required
  • overvoltage / input polarity protected
  • output short circuit proof
  • easy to install, compact in size M30x1,5
  • Assembly lines
  • Punching machines
  • Rotary indexing tables
  • Shipping industry
  • Energy to be transmitted through a wall (glas, ceramic, plastic, etc.)
Air gap power coupling unit SPS-PCU
contactless connector
one SPS-T is able to drive more than one SPS-R (one after the other)
no maintenance required, for 24/7 continuous operation
to be connected directly to a PLC output
input-/output reverse polarity protected
LED status information
  LED status information

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